Keys broke in the lock. What do I do?
Before you reach for the phone and call a locksmith, here are some DIY tips you can attempt to get the broken part out by yourself:
#1 Use a tweezers: This is the simplest and the most effective way to get those pesky pieces of the broken key out of the lock. However, you need to make sure that they are appropriately sized, otherwise you might end up pushing the key further inside, instead of taking it out.
#2: Super glue: This might seem counterproductive, but it does work in some cases. The idea is to glue the key to something like a small stick or a pin, so it could be pulled free. But if there’s no portion of the metal that’s visible through the keyhole, don’t try this.
#3: Tap the cylinder: You need to point the keyway downward and tap the cylinder and let gravity do the work. This will work if you have a padlock or are able to dismantle the cylinder.
Failsafe tip: Hire a professional locksmith
While the probability of success is minimal if not negligible with these tips, a sure shot way to extract the broken pieces is to hire locksmiths for the job. Also, if it was the only key you had, you might also need their help in cutting a new key for the lock. At Bloomington CA Locksmith Store, we can extract broken keys from locks, craft new keys, repair locks, and a lot more. Our comprehensive range of services has earned us a remarkable reputation in Bloomington, CA. Pick up the phone and dial 909-332-2858 to hire our locksmith now!