With landscape renovations it’s just as important in deciding what is suitable to retain than is what to remove.
We have enjoyed cutting our teeth with this rear yard renovation to begin the year which involves retaining the client’s concrete pool in sound condition and improving the surrounding and adjacent spaces for maximum family appeal.
In this case a plethora of mature trees shade the rear yard and provide sufficient greenery. These have been treated in a variety of ways:
Generous pruning to crown lift the Liquidambar and Olive to create increased room and functional use,
Re-locating Frangipani to add privacy and soften the existing boundary allowing space and light to mature
Removing others to open up more space and light for flexible entertaining while still maintaining the vital aspects these trees provide.
The advantage in this approach is that the planting budget and demolition scope has been greatly reduced allowing the client to cater for a contained expense or spend their investment in other areas where they see in being of great value.