Merry Christmas to all of you and your families! We would like to shout out a few businesses and clients that have provided us repeated opportunities to serve them this year.
-Stoneycreek Construction LLC
-J and N Quality Construction
-Dave Sussman
-Seth Terry
We appreciate these people and also each and every other client we were able to serve this year. We hope and pray that all of you have a wonderful day with family and always remember the real reason this holiday should be celebrated. That reason is that Christ left the wonders of Heaven and came to earth to be born of a virgin. He wasn’t born in a Hilton or Holiday Inn but in a stable (talk about humility). He grew up and ended up being crucified on a cross, condemned to die by the very ppl who welcomed him with open arms earlier that same week. He died for all of our sins and if we accept Him and surrender our lives to Him we can be assured that we will spend eternity with Him in Heaven with Him.