My house won’t have termites because we have treated pine… ummmm… think again
Termites discovered coming down from the top of the roof- but how are they getting in?
We can't get termites, it's all treated timber!
Well that might be the case for the outer 0.5mm of the timber supporting your home, but the entire inside is a feast for termites.
The FUTURE of pest control is now here.
The SWATAPEST team is happy to introduce our latest addition to our termite inspection arsenal... now able to go where no one has gone before.
Could the "Save the Bees" campaign be the demise of the bee population in Perth?
Whilst the concept may seem on the surface to be counterintuitive, there is logic to the arguement as explained in this weeks FAQ.
What you do next could save or cost you thousands!
Tonight, our termite expert Daniel answers the questions, what should you do if you find active termites in your home?
Why are there so many bee swarms this year?
Our resident bee specialist and bee-keeper Daniel answers this question and gives us a bit of insight into the bee world in tonights FAQ.
If I have black ants, does that mean I won't have white ants?
Tonight our pest guru Daniel answers perhaps the most common question we get asked. The answer however, might surprise you!!!
#pestcontrol #pestcontroller #ANTS #termites #whiteants #FalseClaim #swatapest #killingwhiteants #anttreatment
How can you know what is best for your house?
Buying a House... Don't be tricked
But my inspector will do both the building and pest inspection...
This week we answer your questions about bees
This week we answer the question about BEES for this spring...
Your most common questions answered
We answer some of the most common questions we get asked.
Have you got a question? Ask away, and we can include it in the next episode.
Having termites in your home is almost more dramatic than the music we picked for our movie premier!🐜
Staring termite 1, termite 2, and Dan. 😂
#pest #pesticide #pestcontrol #pesticidefree #pestmanagement #bugs #termites #termiteswarm #termitessuck #termiteseason #termiteservice #TermitesControl #termitescontrol #perth #perthpestcontrol #staringtermite1 #movieclip #moviepremiere #dontgettermites #damage #homerepairs #wood #protection
A bit of fun in the editing studio. 😀
But My Roof Has Treated Timber
Treated timber - protects the outside layer of the timber, is that enough?
Why it is important to use the correct chemicals for the house construction.